Strategic Consulting

Trends in the current market and world economy favour companies with an international presence. Internationalisation projects require specific fiscal, corporate and strategic competencies. CA Consulting has managed business projects in China and Dubai, assisting those entrepreneurs who have identified excellent growth opportunities in these countries. Through the SBC Global Alliance Network, of which CA is a founding member, we offer companies cross-border support through professional figures in all major European, Asian and American countries. Internationalisation and development in international contexts requires specific assistance with regard to international taxation and transfer pricing, which CA provides through the SBC network of international consultants.
SBC Global Alliance and its members operate with shared values of independence and integrity, providing their clients access to business services and support in key financial centres, commercial cities and trading zones across the world. All members have the necessary technical skills and experience working with businesses and individuals with an international presence.
SBC is led by Paul Tutin, Chairman and Managing Partner at Streets Chartered Accountants, Roger Berdugo, representing Berdugo Metoudi in France, and Paolo Costanzo, representing Costanzo & Associates in Italy.
CA Consulting Manager
Paolo Costanzo
Senior Partner
Paolo è Socio di NedCommunity, associazione dei Consiglieri non esecutivi ed indipendenti. Specializzato in operazioni di finanza straordinaria, processi di quotazione sistemi di governance e risanamento aziendale è iscritto al ruolo degli esperti in Composizione Negoziata della crisi previsto dall’art.3 del DL 118/21. Autore di numerose pubblicazioni in tema di informativa societaria, corporate governance, diritto […]