Business crisis management
Turnaround and debt restructuring

A company’s crisis is a challenge for recovery and should be managed with the utmost speed and professionalism, also availing of the provisions of bankruptcy law. In some cases, insolvency and wind-up can be avoided by implementing the best-suited debt recovery and restructuring plans to ensure the financial rebalancing of the enterprise.
CA Restructuring helps the entrepreneur at this very delicate phase of the company’s life by carrying out a preliminary analysis of the situation so as to enable the best decisions to be taken for the enterprise, based on real future prospects of recovery or closure.
In the first case, CA will arrange an effective solution to secure the business, providing the support needed in terms of negotiation with banks and the other players involved. Then, CA will define the causes and the corrective measures available to improve business profitability and financial management, also using specific procedures such as debt restructuring plans under art. 182 bis of the Italian Bankruptcy Law, certified turnaround plans under art. 67 of said law, and compositions with creditors on a going concern basis.
Italian Bankruptcy Law provides for the certification of an expert in out-of-court debt restructuring agreements (art. 67), in petitions for pre-bankruptcy composition (art. 161), and in certified debt restructuring plans (art. 182 bis). The partners of CA Restructuring are all auditors meeting the requirements of art. 67 of the Italian Bankruptcy Law and having considerable experience in the various certifications required by insolvency law.
CA Restructuring Manager
Francesco Carnevali
Senior Partner
Francesco ha maturato una significativa esperienza nell’attività di due diligence contabili e fiscali, nell’ambito di operazioni di M&A e di attestazioni in procedure concorsuali. E’ responsabile di CA Restructuring, società che assiste la propria clientela in tutte le fasi di gestione della Crisi d’impresa, dalla valutazione dello stato di salute del Cliente alla individuazione del […]