Strategic Consulting
Governance and corporate control

Planning appropriate organisational structures and corporate governance models is essential for the creation of long-term corporate value, especially when applying for public funding, opening the company’s capital up to funds or new investors, or planning inter-generational transfers. Italy’s new Crisis and Insolvency Code has also reformulated Article 2086 of the Italian Civil Code, setting forth the entrepreneur’s “duty to establish an organisational, administrative and accounting structure appropriate to the nature and size of the business, also with a view to ensuring the early detection of a corporate crisis or of loss of business continuity, and to promptly adopt and implement one of the instruments provided for by law, in an attempt to overcome the crisis and recover business continuity”. The professional experience gained by the partners of CA Consulting through participation in the governing bodies of important groups allows us to help businesses develop corporate governance models in line with international best practices.
Corporate governance consultancy targets the creation of control and decision-making mechanisms such as to create value for the business by optimising information flows and decision-making procedures.
The effectiveness of good governance is also favoured by compliance with current regulations on the liability of legal entities (Legislative Decree 231/01) and the preparation of governance, management and monitoring models for administrative and accounting systems (Law 262/2005).
CA has partners in various supervisory bodies of Italian companies, listed or otherwise. These partners help clients draw up the organisational procedures required for compliance with current regulations.
CA Consulting Manager
Paolo Costanzo
Senior Partner
Paolo è Socio di NedCommunity, associazione dei Consiglieri non esecutivi ed indipendenti. Specializzato in operazioni di finanza straordinaria, processi di quotazione sistemi di governance e risanamento aziendale è iscritto al ruolo degli esperti in Composizione Negoziata della crisi previsto dall’art.3 del DL 118/21. Autore di numerose pubblicazioni in tema di informativa societaria, corporate governance, diritto […]