Financial Advisory
Raising capital for development

In the presence of ambitious development projects, a balanced equity and financial structure within the company may open up the need for new risk and/or third-party capital from institutional investors or various regulated markets. CA Advisory helps clients raise the financial resources required to grow and expand on domestic and international markets. To this end, CA helps clients analyse the value creation process in order to ascertain what contributes to the generation of value, as well as performance and risk indicators specific to the activity in question. Once the analysis is complete, CA helps the enterprise draw up the economic – financial plan and an information memorandum / termsheet to be submitted to potential investors/financiers, which may also be found among the firm’s network of contacts with leading investment funds and credit institutes.
CA Advisory also carries out due diligence and monitoring activities supporting operations in Corporate & Investment Banking (CIB) and Crisis Management Services (CSM). The latter is carried out in collaboration with CA Restructuring.
CA Advisory Manager
Alberto Canclini
Senior Partner
Alberto è socio AIAF e modellista finanziario (AFM), specializzato in analisi finanziaria di imprese e intermediari finanziari, architettura e gestione di sistemi di pianificazione e controllo, predisposizione e due diligence di piani finanziari, valutazioni d’azienda, analisi del rischio e IAS/IFRS. Esperto in valutazioni IAS/IFR di intangibili, test di impairment e valutazioni al fair value in […]