Financial Advisory
Corporate finance and M&A

CA Advisory acts as an independent advisor helping entrepreneurs to create long-term value. Our approach is based on the assumption that finance must be closely related to the real economy. It combines strategic, financial, and organisational capabilities within a global perspective, leveraging competencies and a network of contacts to enable the client to achieve its goals. Advisory activities are carried out in close collaboration with both the entrepreneur and the company’s Management, developing cash flow analysis and reporting models to assist future decisions.
CA provides services for the development and internationalisation of Italian companies, helping their Management teams seize market opportunities for raising financial resources both as equity and debt.
CA presta servizi per lo sviluppo e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane, aiutando il management a cogliere le opportunità offerte dal mercato per il reperimento di risorse finanziarie sia a titolo di equity che di finanziamento.
CA Advisory’s professionals assist their clients in dealing with credit institutions and in preparing the documents required to obtain soft financing.
CA Advisory Manager
Alberto Canclini
Senior Partner
Alberto è socio AIAF e modellista finanziario (AFM), specializzato in analisi finanziaria di imprese e intermediari finanziari, architettura e gestione di sistemi di pianificazione e controllo, predisposizione e due diligence di piani finanziari, valutazioni d’azienda, analisi del rischio e IAS/IFRS. Esperto in valutazioni IAS/IFR di intangibili, test di impairment e valutazioni al fair value in […]